Col usual blast of trumpets announced the center orobico passage in committee of a new regional law to regulate the activities engaged in the handicraft production of food for immediate consumption.
Councillor Charles Saffioti, now PDL provincial coordinator, explains the objectives (which in itself can be shared) of the measure: determination of schedules, introduction of health and hygiene standards and promote competition on a par with other types of exercises.
all right? Not at all, because in the determination of schedules, instead favoring a gradual liberalization extended to all involved, it is preferred level down, reducing the space open to those who today already use them.
And that is the mark of heavy-handed rule is testified by the fact that rather than allow mayors the right to introduce restrictions in light of actual problems of public peace, it does exactly the opposite, delegating only to grant any exceptions to the schedules set at regional level (but had not become Saffioti federalist?).
But the real purpose of the rule we reveal the League and Daniele Boni Davide Belotti, with the air that distinguishes them as true, the Corriere della Sera, we anticipate that this is only a first step and soon will follow another, with which "local authorities will have a law that will allow you to check everything that happens in their area" (do you remember Orwell's 1984?).
What is this? In practice that may discriminate against another sneaky commercial field of work or craft to be admitted in the historic centers, based on consistency with local traditions.
mean a step backwards in terms of liberalization, but "a forward for the protection of historic areas, taken by storm, thanks to the proliferation activities of this kind of unconditional love."
In focus has been mainly the exotic kebabs, managed by non-EU citizens, who, with the possible their presence, and impair obsession quell'omogeneità ethnic identity that the League so closely pursued.
Apart from the evident contrast with the Bersani Decree, which had once liberalized licensing, as in Europe, you can see how an idea like this in harmony with the need to keep alive the old towns through related functions to contemporary lifestyles.
If the urban centers are the place of honor for a community maggor is clear that they can not deny the plurality of ethnicity, religion and culture, with all the limitations that any activity should be observed not to endanger the urban decor. Behind all this just not
there is only a justified concern for the urban decor, which is just maintain, but there is the culture of small countries, the fear of globalization, the rejection of change and confrontation with difference, the refuge in an imaginary past. There is a right that unites all'indiffenza inequality for the defense of traditional values, all that 'equality of opportunity rather the maintenance of vested interests. The trio
God, country and family Tremonti and Pera, communitarianism League, will succeed the progressive forces to oppose the values \u200b\u200bof open society, and therefore subversive potential redistribution of the market, the European mink, the Kantian principle of right hospitality?
I believe that many young people expect just that.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Chest Pain When Exhaling
The Association of Liberal PD Bergamo
organizes the meeting
Friday April 17, 2009 - 18:00
Building Contracts and Events - via Petrarca 10
will be held Friday, April 17, 2009 at 18:00 the conference "REFORMS TO OVERCOME THE CRISIS : ACTION, REMEDIES, EQUITY, '"organized by the Liberal PD, which opens with the opportunity to its local business.
this is the first event organized by the Association in Northern Italy, after the meetings in Rome, Catania and seminar Amelia. In
choice of Bergamo as the venue of this meeting has been as critical to the existence in Bergamo, a prominent advocate of the Liberal PD as Valter Grossi.
Speakers Bergamo Mayor Roberto Bruni, the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Territorial Planning of the City of Bergamo Valter Grossi, the labor law and Senator Pietro Ichino and PD, as guests, the Vice President of Confindustria for Europe Andrea Moltrasio, the National President of Young Entrepreneurs Building Reeds Simon Light.
will conclude the President of Liberal PD Enzo Bianco.
Liberal PD is politico-cultural association, which draws inspiration from the cultural traditions of European democracy, reform of the Liberal Democrat, Republican, socialist, environmentalist, and the Manifesto Ventotene "For a Europe whole and free" of Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi.
The association will help to spread and strengthen these values \u200b\u200bin the debate and the policy initiative, parliamentary institutions and the Democratic Party, featuring our contribution on the issue of multilateralism euro-Atlantic, the secular state and economic and social modernization.
Headache Concussion Thyroid
The importance of a local Association of Liberal Democratic Party
To avoid confusion do not call them circles, but local associations, which provide a form of statuary as homogeneous as possible, starting from the regional level and then get off at different levels (national, province), where there was the potential organization.
It 'important to maintain a degree of uniformity and from Rome, ensures support in place quickly in network addresses, websites, blogs, groups and events on face-book which refer to LiberalPD.
I think it is absolutely ideal to separate the two levels, namely the direct participation of the party (membership) than the association membership, partly because in today's debate, the brilliant intervention of the Mayor of Forlì candidate has explained how it is easier promote our ideas in the PD from the outside rather than inside. The secular parties and opinion from
which we come to a distinguished political figures and an electorate in general paid little attention towards local issues closely.
Therefore the system of local clubs (often at the scale of the neighborhoods of a city), which has organized the PD, is not well suited to appeal to our supporters.
The people close to our area do not conceive politics as a limited commitment to the local context, especially if smaller, have a different attitude, are taken to address broader issues on the merits of the things they choose, rather than on ideologies, have a strong individualistic attitude, and then for all these reasons are not easy to build loyalty to a ' organization of community-based as it is today that of PD.
often also express a mobility and a 'professional opening, which sees them players on several fronts in different places, so it's entirely appropriate to the model suggested by friends of Umbria, which I think is one of the few ways by which we groped a membership in the party, with some useful results.
It is also important not to establish any automatic link between membership of the Party and the LiberalPD because most of our friends and potential supporters are located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe border between the center and the center, which has steadily decided where to place them in PD and still does not recognize a real party reformer.
This needs to be kept as autonomous as possible and strengthen, gaining what little credibility, consistency and visibility, without which the PD there ever take seriously.
If we examine our presence in parliament and governing bodies of PD, local and national, we can not say that there have been wide open the doors on the other hand if they would see why not, since in politics there is the generosity .
LiberalPD must qualify for its ability to generate ideas, challenges, contamination inside and out, establishing contacts collaborations and relations with the reformist personalities, now a bit 'isolated within the party, and with the centers, cultural institutions of liberal and liberal-area, going up to the Radical Party, which often share many positions.
Only the power of ideas, the courage of the most uncomfortable and visionary can effectively support our organizational weaknesses, knowing from the outset that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Democratic Party, that we all had in mind, it remains a difficult task in the name of which we can accept defeats with a view to future success, but not compromise on principles.
To avoid confusion do not call them circles, but local associations, which provide a form of statuary as homogeneous as possible, starting from the regional level and then get off at different levels (national, province), where there was the potential organization.
It 'important to maintain a degree of uniformity and from Rome, ensures support in place quickly in network addresses, websites, blogs, groups and events on face-book which refer to LiberalPD.
I think it is absolutely ideal to separate the two levels, namely the direct participation of the party (membership) than the association membership, partly because in today's debate, the brilliant intervention of the Mayor of Forlì candidate has explained how it is easier promote our ideas in the PD from the outside rather than inside. The secular parties and opinion from
which we come to a distinguished political figures and an electorate in general paid little attention towards local issues closely.
Therefore the system of local clubs (often at the scale of the neighborhoods of a city), which has organized the PD, is not well suited to appeal to our supporters.
The people close to our area do not conceive politics as a limited commitment to the local context, especially if smaller, have a different attitude, are taken to address broader issues on the merits of the things they choose, rather than on ideologies, have a strong individualistic attitude, and then for all these reasons are not easy to build loyalty to a ' organization of community-based as it is today that of PD.
often also express a mobility and a 'professional opening, which sees them players on several fronts in different places, so it's entirely appropriate to the model suggested by friends of Umbria, which I think is one of the few ways by which we groped a membership in the party, with some useful results.
It is also important not to establish any automatic link between membership of the Party and the LiberalPD because most of our friends and potential supporters are located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe border between the center and the center, which has steadily decided where to place them in PD and still does not recognize a real party reformer.
This needs to be kept as autonomous as possible and strengthen, gaining what little credibility, consistency and visibility, without which the PD there ever take seriously.
If we examine our presence in parliament and governing bodies of PD, local and national, we can not say that there have been wide open the doors on the other hand if they would see why not, since in politics there is the generosity .
LiberalPD must qualify for its ability to generate ideas, challenges, contamination inside and out, establishing contacts collaborations and relations with the reformist personalities, now a bit 'isolated within the party, and with the centers, cultural institutions of liberal and liberal-area, going up to the Radical Party, which often share many positions.
Only the power of ideas, the courage of the most uncomfortable and visionary can effectively support our organizational weaknesses, knowing from the outset that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Democratic Party, that we all had in mind, it remains a difficult task in the name of which we can accept defeats with a view to future success, but not compromise on principles.
Hard Swelling Post Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Interview with Walter big Crisis
alderman Planning of the City of Bergamo Big Walter "Bergamo economic" asked to explain the general guidelines that are the basis of the changes decided in the recovery area after the removal of United Hospitals of health departments in the new structure that has arisen as a Pimp. The first question is almost a must.
Councillor Grossi, which is the main thing, in terms of planning, which distinguishes this project will change the face of a substantial part of the city and improve the quality of life of those who live there?
The most significant characteristic of this transformation is to return the building a large area of \u200b\u200bthe city, being now occupied by the hospital, is in fact impenetrable and therefore not accessible.
The hospital will be transformed into a new neighborhood, completely closed to traffic, with a large endowment of usable public spaces and green, but preserving the original architectural and urban qualities setting, so well placed in the excellent landscape context.
wants a clearer definition of "pedestrian"? How far will extend the pedestrian areas and where the cars will stop?
Access to and the outflow of the new district will be through an underground movement, so on the surface there will be no vehicles in transit. There will be ramps and downhill slope, whose ranking will be defined by the final draft, to allow vehicles to reach the underground parking, even for public use, where people, with stairs and lifts, can walk to the roadway.
What significance is the acquisition of the area located near Via Bonomini?
to provide an ecological connection between the hills and the new urban park, which will be part of such a deep green. To make it more usable and permeable to these public spaces are also provided for pedestrian paths between the districts of Saint Lucia and Loreto.
I think you understand, reading the floor plans of the project, in addition to the recovery area for several years virtually isolated from the urban context of the city, there will be other benefits in favor of citizenship. This interpretation is correct?
In fact, whoever wins the tender for the completion of the construction project is to redevelop the area accingerà according to destination, and the quantitative limits agreed by the local administration, including providing public benefits that the City has listed in an appropriate form that is binding element of the Act Supplementary Agreement Program.
And they are different services. In addition to 800 parking spaces to public use that we have already mentioned, there are 10 thousand square meters of areas dedicated to social housing to rent (subsidized housing) will create new areas of cultural significance such as the supra Foundation Hospital in the old "Red House", where now c 'is the general direction.
student residences will be built, the site of a new university, a toy library, a nursery and a kindergarten, in addition to a day center with shelters for the elderly. The church of the monks will place of worship, and can locate other private facilities for collective use in the field of social welfare. In addition,
riqualificherà all axis street of Via XXIV Maggio in succession and the scope provided by the Strategic Plan of the Territory Government will also improve a wider range corresponding sphere swimming pools and the Financial Police Academy, through a system of open spaces between Via Statuto, by and large Grataroli Barozzi .
Always watching the plans of the project we realize that the affected area to urban and structural changes is much larger. In fact we are faced with the redesign, even as simple an area of \u200b\u200bBergamo Via Bonomini reaches via IV Novembre and the foot of the hill reaches of the Upper Town via Broseta including such significant presence, the complex of pools Italcementi and the barracks of the Guardia di Finanza with adjoining sports field. You can add some details?
Practically the whole area will be a unique neighborhood with a large pedestrian area that will extend from the inner courtyard of the hospital via long-laws (to the hospital St. Francis) on one side and away and away Grataroli Constitution (as far as Via Riva Villasanta ) on the other. After the removal of the Guardia di Finanza the green areas of the new district (former hospital area), swimming pool area, sports field of yellow flame and the barracks of the park itself will have territorial continuity enjoyed by all. Please note that this setting does not arise in isolation but is inserted under the new plan that the City Territory Government is preparing.
I would also like to add one thing: the design is not based on old plans under the Master Plan (PRG), but has as a reference "draft cards" which are criteria to address the preparation of various implementation tools. These cards do not generate rights to build and have a period corresponding to the five years of the Plan document.
alderman Planning of the City of Bergamo Big Walter "Bergamo economic" asked to explain the general guidelines that are the basis of the changes decided in the recovery area after the removal of United Hospitals of health departments in the new structure that has arisen as a Pimp. The first question is almost a must.
Councillor Grossi, which is the main thing, in terms of planning, which distinguishes this project will change the face of a substantial part of the city and improve the quality of life of those who live there?
The most significant characteristic of this transformation is to return the building a large area of \u200b\u200bthe city, being now occupied by the hospital, is in fact impenetrable and therefore not accessible.
The hospital will be transformed into a new neighborhood, completely closed to traffic, with a large endowment of usable public spaces and green, but preserving the original architectural and urban qualities setting, so well placed in the excellent landscape context.
wants a clearer definition of "pedestrian"? How far will extend the pedestrian areas and where the cars will stop?
Access to and the outflow of the new district will be through an underground movement, so on the surface there will be no vehicles in transit. There will be ramps and downhill slope, whose ranking will be defined by the final draft, to allow vehicles to reach the underground parking, even for public use, where people, with stairs and lifts, can walk to the roadway.
What significance is the acquisition of the area located near Via Bonomini?
to provide an ecological connection between the hills and the new urban park, which will be part of such a deep green. To make it more usable and permeable to these public spaces are also provided for pedestrian paths between the districts of Saint Lucia and Loreto.
I think you understand, reading the floor plans of the project, in addition to the recovery area for several years virtually isolated from the urban context of the city, there will be other benefits in favor of citizenship. This interpretation is correct?
In fact, whoever wins the tender for the completion of the construction project is to redevelop the area accingerà according to destination, and the quantitative limits agreed by the local administration, including providing public benefits that the City has listed in an appropriate form that is binding element of the Act Supplementary Agreement Program.
And they are different services. In addition to 800 parking spaces to public use that we have already mentioned, there are 10 thousand square meters of areas dedicated to social housing to rent (subsidized housing) will create new areas of cultural significance such as the supra Foundation Hospital in the old "Red House", where now c 'is the general direction.
student residences will be built, the site of a new university, a toy library, a nursery and a kindergarten, in addition to a day center with shelters for the elderly. The church of the monks will place of worship, and can locate other private facilities for collective use in the field of social welfare. In addition,
riqualificherà all axis street of Via XXIV Maggio in succession and the scope provided by the Strategic Plan of the Territory Government will also improve a wider range corresponding sphere swimming pools and the Financial Police Academy, through a system of open spaces between Via Statuto, by and large Grataroli Barozzi .
Always watching the plans of the project we realize that the affected area to urban and structural changes is much larger. In fact we are faced with the redesign, even as simple an area of \u200b\u200bBergamo Via Bonomini reaches via IV Novembre and the foot of the hill reaches of the Upper Town via Broseta including such significant presence, the complex of pools Italcementi and the barracks of the Guardia di Finanza with adjoining sports field. You can add some details?
Practically the whole area will be a unique neighborhood with a large pedestrian area that will extend from the inner courtyard of the hospital via long-laws (to the hospital St. Francis) on one side and away and away Grataroli Constitution (as far as Via Riva Villasanta ) on the other. After the removal of the Guardia di Finanza the green areas of the new district (former hospital area), swimming pool area, sports field of yellow flame and the barracks of the park itself will have territorial continuity enjoyed by all. Please note that this setting does not arise in isolation but is inserted under the new plan that the City Territory Government is preparing.
I would also like to add one thing: the design is not based on old plans under the Master Plan (PRG), but has as a reference "draft cards" which are criteria to address the preparation of various implementation tools. These cards do not generate rights to build and have a period corresponding to the five years of the Plan document.
How To Masterbat Vedio
The crisis that has plunged the Democratic Party was widely expected and only a short-sighted and insensitive leadership could think of supporting the widespread state of uneasiness, that beyond the results Sardinian wound in the party for many months.
The reasons for this debacle are manifold, but the main one is surely unable or prevented by Walter Veltroni to lead the party with a policy to read and share. In practice that connoted "plural", which should have wealth, has become a Babel, a confusing and contradictory message.
The origins of this can be found also in the method by which the primaries were held, where the ideal conflict, the clash between different thesis, it is preferred the easier way of plebiscite, the shortcut to the political ideas of the leader. Except for the honest attempt to Rosy Bindi, for my part can not be shared content, the other candidate for the office you are placed as a more dall'approccio that characterized the merits, the juvenile or the myth of civil society, from the substance.
from this vice of origin could not be determined that famous "botched amalgamation" in a few months has been able to annihilate the major propositions is the Lingotto, a respectable election result, where there were promises to engage a long and patient route to the alternative of government. Adding to this is of course the unfortunate alliance with the party's personal Di Pietro, specializing in demagoguery and executioner nell'antiberlusconismo of begging.
The cases on which the ambiguity and the indeterminacy are most dramatically manifested are: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY
, where, after the many outbursts of modernization, as expressed in good campaign, there was immediately implanted an impossible seeking mediation with the more conservative positions. Choices such as Damien, Shadow Minister in place of a Ichino, not knowing how to take the crisis as an opportunity to offer the country a credible plan for renewal, based on the exchange between safeguards and reforms, a party appears static and unable to move away from collateralism union to launch a generational pact to welfare and the idea of \u200b\u200breorganizing the state, without winking to the local League.
foreign policy, which, instead of being in the tradition of the best neo-Atlantic multilateralism, exposing the ruthlessness of a right is often indifferent to human rights has proved to be wavering, suffered from a synthesis made incursions Fassino and D'Alema ( Putin's treaty with Libya, Gaza);
THEME of individual rights and the secular state, in itself a very complex issue, complicated by the pearl of the Charter of values, largely born of orphans of the historic compromise, which postulates the principle that different souls would have in any case find a summary on the basis, perhaps, a healthy secularism.
Given that the concept of secularism does not need of ambiguous adjectives that the original meaning, it must be remembered that it is based on the plurality of options, guaranteed by the neutrality of the state, which is not indifference. And even the compromise for intersection, that Kelsen, the only possible in a plural society, taken as a point of meeting those standards which give freedom of choice, while respecting the autonomy of the different beliefs, until they harm others .
PLACEMENT EUROPEAN complicated knot, present from the beginning, continuously avoided and postponed on which to play the same bet the Democratic Party, to know how to merge and organize the various strands reformists, in a framework of majoritarian democracy. Here
after Franceschini's speech, you can see half agreement, whose protagonists are D'Alema and Marini, through which without going into the PSE, the PD to join the Socialist group.
Needless to say, this solution denies the ambition to be a cutting edge and Europe, the traditional left, forcing many like myself to sever historical ties with the European Liberal reformism.
At this point the problem should be tackled at its root, checking whether there are conditions to move forward, devoting the next few months to a frank discussion on the constitutive reasons and content of this party. They will choose between a reduction of the project in a more social democratic or not, falling back on the safer shores of the European left and the traditional desire to do something different, more far-sighted, projected into the global debate on the relationship between democracy and the market, the multifaceted dimension of citizenship, open society in response to gated communities.
Global competition, immigration, science, telecommunications are formidable drivers of change that will inevitably raise concerns, exacerbated by the economic crisis, if the right is delegated to ride the fears in the name of the past, the forces of progress it would in fact the task of governing these factors, directing them towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunity.
It 's a difficult challenge that requires persistence, linearity, determination, but to which no one can escape, if you want to build a credible alternative government.
Otherwise, if the PD will resign to be the UPDATE version of things already seen, it is necessary to rescue and reinterpret the minority visonarie, but stricter than in other historical moments that have made modern Italy, always ready to fight on behalf of reason and moral intransigence, to say the things that people do not always want to hear.
Valter Grossi
Association LiberalPD
The crisis that has plunged the Democratic Party was widely expected and only a short-sighted and insensitive leadership could think of supporting the widespread state of uneasiness, that beyond the results Sardinian wound in the party for many months.
The reasons for this debacle are manifold, but the main one is surely unable or prevented by Walter Veltroni to lead the party with a policy to read and share. In practice that connoted "plural", which should have wealth, has become a Babel, a confusing and contradictory message.
The origins of this can be found also in the method by which the primaries were held, where the ideal conflict, the clash between different thesis, it is preferred the easier way of plebiscite, the shortcut to the political ideas of the leader. Except for the honest attempt to Rosy Bindi, for my part can not be shared content, the other candidate for the office you are placed as a more dall'approccio that characterized the merits, the juvenile or the myth of civil society, from the substance.
from this vice of origin could not be determined that famous "botched amalgamation" in a few months has been able to annihilate the major propositions is the Lingotto, a respectable election result, where there were promises to engage a long and patient route to the alternative of government. Adding to this is of course the unfortunate alliance with the party's personal Di Pietro, specializing in demagoguery and executioner nell'antiberlusconismo of begging.
The cases on which the ambiguity and the indeterminacy are most dramatically manifested are: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY
, where, after the many outbursts of modernization, as expressed in good campaign, there was immediately implanted an impossible seeking mediation with the more conservative positions. Choices such as Damien, Shadow Minister in place of a Ichino, not knowing how to take the crisis as an opportunity to offer the country a credible plan for renewal, based on the exchange between safeguards and reforms, a party appears static and unable to move away from collateralism union to launch a generational pact to welfare and the idea of \u200b\u200breorganizing the state, without winking to the local League.
foreign policy, which, instead of being in the tradition of the best neo-Atlantic multilateralism, exposing the ruthlessness of a right is often indifferent to human rights has proved to be wavering, suffered from a synthesis made incursions Fassino and D'Alema ( Putin's treaty with Libya, Gaza);
THEME of individual rights and the secular state, in itself a very complex issue, complicated by the pearl of the Charter of values, largely born of orphans of the historic compromise, which postulates the principle that different souls would have in any case find a summary on the basis, perhaps, a healthy secularism.
Given that the concept of secularism does not need of ambiguous adjectives that the original meaning, it must be remembered that it is based on the plurality of options, guaranteed by the neutrality of the state, which is not indifference. And even the compromise for intersection, that Kelsen, the only possible in a plural society, taken as a point of meeting those standards which give freedom of choice, while respecting the autonomy of the different beliefs, until they harm others .
PLACEMENT EUROPEAN complicated knot, present from the beginning, continuously avoided and postponed on which to play the same bet the Democratic Party, to know how to merge and organize the various strands reformists, in a framework of majoritarian democracy. Here
after Franceschini's speech, you can see half agreement, whose protagonists are D'Alema and Marini, through which without going into the PSE, the PD to join the Socialist group.
Needless to say, this solution denies the ambition to be a cutting edge and Europe, the traditional left, forcing many like myself to sever historical ties with the European Liberal reformism.
At this point the problem should be tackled at its root, checking whether there are conditions to move forward, devoting the next few months to a frank discussion on the constitutive reasons and content of this party. They will choose between a reduction of the project in a more social democratic or not, falling back on the safer shores of the European left and the traditional desire to do something different, more far-sighted, projected into the global debate on the relationship between democracy and the market, the multifaceted dimension of citizenship, open society in response to gated communities.
Global competition, immigration, science, telecommunications are formidable drivers of change that will inevitably raise concerns, exacerbated by the economic crisis, if the right is delegated to ride the fears in the name of the past, the forces of progress it would in fact the task of governing these factors, directing them towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunity.
It 's a difficult challenge that requires persistence, linearity, determination, but to which no one can escape, if you want to build a credible alternative government.
Otherwise, if the PD will resign to be the UPDATE version of things already seen, it is necessary to rescue and reinterpret the minority visonarie, but stricter than in other historical moments that have made modern Italy, always ready to fight on behalf of reason and moral intransigence, to say the things that people do not always want to hear.
Valter Grossi
Association LiberalPD
White Scooter Wheels
Franceschini, the PD and charge
In a country where the gap between rich and poor widens oni day more, the proposed Franceschini for a 'special tax of 2% on income over one hundred and twenty thousand euro, while it has the merit to revive the issue of social justice, the other shows some limitations.
Wanting to provide an assessment is not subject to ideological, I think I can say that in principle, it follows the idea that taxation, through the policy of progressive, can attribute the state some power redistribution.
This idea is even more justified in times of crisis like the present and can not be passed off as a choice of the Bolshevik type, as you would like to believe, because it represents an option often experienced in many of the most advanced liberal democracies of the world, the United States of America in the first place. What
but it weakens its impromptu, probably dictated by the time and mode of political ads and now reduced to the most irresponsible demagoguery.
In fact, it would exclude a number of considerations that should need to be prepended to the use of taxation, well summarized in Article 81 of the Republican Constitution, increasingly ignored by the practice.
First you must take into account that this levy would act on the taxpayer but 0.4 represents 12% of total revenues, consisting primarily of fixed income, distinguishing trait for this by a high level of loyalty to the Treasury.
In this maneuver would seize second place in the presence of a high level of tax evasion, thus having the effect to pay to be always the same for other categories to be represented in this case, certainly the most capacious, but more exposed to risks and competition of the market and therefore more pay. Also
its Article 81 provides that the balance laws can not incorporate new taxes and that the greatest need should be covered primarily by action on the expenditure side, a choice that requires more rigorous and useful tool to stimulate a greater virtue in the management of public affairs.
The proposal, which I personally I also feel supported, have more credibility if it were accompanied by further commitments on the front of the rationalization of expenditure, the reclamation of the state and search for more equitable conditions in the field of social protection.
What is the point to ask sacrifices from a state incapable to reform its structures, its articolazioniperiferiche and welfare, which keeps alive obvious generational inequalities, privileges and distortions of all types?
I think many would be willing to pay this solidarity contribution if they had the perception of a real change, able to ensure that these resources would not be wasted to maintain an unbalanced pension system, a redundant and outdated state law, a political apparatus so bloated, and prebends favoristismi unjustified.
Moreover these reflections are also supported by some strange suspicious signatures, for example coming from the League, which particularly interested at this stage to obtain the consensus necessary to enact a federal reform, whose costs are still to be verified. Therefore
in my view is not shocked by the political content of the proposal Franceschini (a real economic right would contest the legality of all from his point of view) but rather we must criticize the limits that are in for an approach rifomista its inability to produce something really innovative in terms of modernization, social equity and the relationship between the citizen and the state.
"When the son of the poor will be offered the same opportunities for study and education that are owned by the son of rich, when the sons of the rich will be forced to work from, if you wish to keep the fortune inherited ...... .. "and even" The progressivity of taxes shall give the State the means to provide common goods Colleviti social security and education ...." Perhaps liberalism
Einaudi would do more good for the PD of La Pira.
In a country where the gap between rich and poor widens oni day more, the proposed Franceschini for a 'special tax of 2% on income over one hundred and twenty thousand euro, while it has the merit to revive the issue of social justice, the other shows some limitations.
Wanting to provide an assessment is not subject to ideological, I think I can say that in principle, it follows the idea that taxation, through the policy of progressive, can attribute the state some power redistribution.
This idea is even more justified in times of crisis like the present and can not be passed off as a choice of the Bolshevik type, as you would like to believe, because it represents an option often experienced in many of the most advanced liberal democracies of the world, the United States of America in the first place. What
but it weakens its impromptu, probably dictated by the time and mode of political ads and now reduced to the most irresponsible demagoguery.
In fact, it would exclude a number of considerations that should need to be prepended to the use of taxation, well summarized in Article 81 of the Republican Constitution, increasingly ignored by the practice.
First you must take into account that this levy would act on the taxpayer but 0.4 represents 12% of total revenues, consisting primarily of fixed income, distinguishing trait for this by a high level of loyalty to the Treasury.
In this maneuver would seize second place in the presence of a high level of tax evasion, thus having the effect to pay to be always the same for other categories to be represented in this case, certainly the most capacious, but more exposed to risks and competition of the market and therefore more pay. Also
its Article 81 provides that the balance laws can not incorporate new taxes and that the greatest need should be covered primarily by action on the expenditure side, a choice that requires more rigorous and useful tool to stimulate a greater virtue in the management of public affairs.
The proposal, which I personally I also feel supported, have more credibility if it were accompanied by further commitments on the front of the rationalization of expenditure, the reclamation of the state and search for more equitable conditions in the field of social protection.
What is the point to ask sacrifices from a state incapable to reform its structures, its articolazioniperiferiche and welfare, which keeps alive obvious generational inequalities, privileges and distortions of all types?
I think many would be willing to pay this solidarity contribution if they had the perception of a real change, able to ensure that these resources would not be wasted to maintain an unbalanced pension system, a redundant and outdated state law, a political apparatus so bloated, and prebends favoristismi unjustified.
Moreover these reflections are also supported by some strange suspicious signatures, for example coming from the League, which particularly interested at this stage to obtain the consensus necessary to enact a federal reform, whose costs are still to be verified. Therefore
in my view is not shocked by the political content of the proposal Franceschini (a real economic right would contest the legality of all from his point of view) but rather we must criticize the limits that are in for an approach rifomista its inability to produce something really innovative in terms of modernization, social equity and the relationship between the citizen and the state.
"When the son of the poor will be offered the same opportunities for study and education that are owned by the son of rich, when the sons of the rich will be forced to work from, if you wish to keep the fortune inherited ...... .. "and even" The progressivity of taxes shall give the State the means to provide common goods Colleviti social security and education ...." Perhaps liberalism
Einaudi would do more good for the PD of La Pira.
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