The crisis that has plunged the Democratic Party was widely expected and only a short-sighted and insensitive leadership could think of supporting the widespread state of uneasiness, that beyond the results Sardinian wound in the party for many months.
The reasons for this debacle are manifold, but the main one is surely unable or prevented by Walter Veltroni to lead the party with a policy to read and share. In practice that connoted "plural", which should have wealth, has become a Babel, a confusing and contradictory message.
The origins of this can be found also in the method by which the primaries were held, where the ideal conflict, the clash between different thesis, it is preferred the easier way of plebiscite, the shortcut to the political ideas of the leader. Except for the honest attempt to Rosy Bindi, for my part can not be shared content, the other candidate for the office you are placed as a more dall'approccio that characterized the merits, the juvenile or the myth of civil society, from the substance.
from this vice of origin could not be determined that famous "botched amalgamation" in a few months has been able to annihilate the major propositions is the Lingotto, a respectable election result, where there were promises to engage a long and patient route to the alternative of government. Adding to this is of course the unfortunate alliance with the party's personal Di Pietro, specializing in demagoguery and executioner nell'antiberlusconismo of begging.
The cases on which the ambiguity and the indeterminacy are most dramatically manifested are: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY
, where, after the many outbursts of modernization, as expressed in good campaign, there was immediately implanted an impossible seeking mediation with the more conservative positions. Choices such as Damien, Shadow Minister in place of a Ichino, not knowing how to take the crisis as an opportunity to offer the country a credible plan for renewal, based on the exchange between safeguards and reforms, a party appears static and unable to move away from collateralism union to launch a generational pact to welfare and the idea of \u200b\u200breorganizing the state, without winking to the local League.
foreign policy, which, instead of being in the tradition of the best neo-Atlantic multilateralism, exposing the ruthlessness of a right is often indifferent to human rights has proved to be wavering, suffered from a synthesis made incursions Fassino and D'Alema ( Putin's treaty with Libya, Gaza);
THEME of individual rights and the secular state, in itself a very complex issue, complicated by the pearl of the Charter of values, largely born of orphans of the historic compromise, which postulates the principle that different souls would have in any case find a summary on the basis, perhaps, a healthy secularism.
Given that the concept of secularism does not need of ambiguous adjectives that the original meaning, it must be remembered that it is based on the plurality of options, guaranteed by the neutrality of the state, which is not indifference. And even the compromise for intersection, that Kelsen, the only possible in a plural society, taken as a point of meeting those standards which give freedom of choice, while respecting the autonomy of the different beliefs, until they harm others .
PLACEMENT EUROPEAN complicated knot, present from the beginning, continuously avoided and postponed on which to play the same bet the Democratic Party, to know how to merge and organize the various strands reformists, in a framework of majoritarian democracy. Here
after Franceschini's speech, you can see half agreement, whose protagonists are D'Alema and Marini, through which without going into the PSE, the PD to join the Socialist group.
Needless to say, this solution denies the ambition to be a cutting edge and Europe, the traditional left, forcing many like myself to sever historical ties with the European Liberal reformism.
At this point the problem should be tackled at its root, checking whether there are conditions to move forward, devoting the next few months to a frank discussion on the constitutive reasons and content of this party. They will choose between a reduction of the project in a more social democratic or not, falling back on the safer shores of the European left and the traditional desire to do something different, more far-sighted, projected into the global debate on the relationship between democracy and the market, the multifaceted dimension of citizenship, open society in response to gated communities.
Global competition, immigration, science, telecommunications are formidable drivers of change that will inevitably raise concerns, exacerbated by the economic crisis, if the right is delegated to ride the fears in the name of the past, the forces of progress it would in fact the task of governing these factors, directing them towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunity.
It 's a difficult challenge that requires persistence, linearity, determination, but to which no one can escape, if you want to build a credible alternative government.
Otherwise, if the PD will resign to be the UPDATE version of things already seen, it is necessary to rescue and reinterpret the minority visonarie, but stricter than in other historical moments that have made modern Italy, always ready to fight on behalf of reason and moral intransigence, to say the things that people do not always want to hear.
Valter Grossi
Association LiberalPD
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